Sunday, 30 August 2009

Final Destination: Death Trip - 3D

I saw this film on 29th August
at Stratford Picture House

A load of nonsense with lots of gore and carnage. The 3-D presentation was very effective in showing gore right in my face, and sucking me into the horror. I'm not sure this improved the film.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Inglourious Basterds

I saw this film on 21st August
at Stratford Picture House

Unglorious rubbish. It started well but got dafter as the film progressed.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

A Perfect Getaway

I saw this film on 19th August
at Cineworld West India Quay

A nice twisted plot. But it could never happen in Europe because of Health and Safety.

Monday, 10 August 2009


I saw this performance on 9th August
at Shakespeare's Globe

A thoroughly enjoyable performance. I did not know the story before seeing this production and thought it would be about Helen of Troy. Instead it was of Helen not-of-Troy, the one in Troy being an imposter.

Saturday, 8 August 2009


I saw this film on 7th August
at Cineworld West India Quay

An excellent film. A minimal cast was completely adequate and the story was tight and well told. The conversation of the hero with his daughter I found particuarly chilling.

Sunday, 2 August 2009

G-Force 3D

I saw this film on 1st August
at Stratford Picture House

A fairly standard Disney kids' cartoon. Well done and amusing but the 3-D adds nothing and probably just distracts.