Saturday, 23 July 2011

Monday, 11 July 2011

A Separation

I saw this film on 11 July at Stratford Picture House

This is a superb film, set in Iran. Although there is no extremism, fundamentalism or brutality shown on a day-to-day level, the effects of religous belief and dogma are always present and eventually have a decisive effect. It's a very-low key story about some ordinary people and how an unfortunate accidental occurence escalates. The good are trying to do what they think is right and the bad are taking advantage. Both are placed in almost impossible domestic and ethical situations.


I saw this performance on 9th July at Shakespeare's Globe

A very pleasant performance. Claudius, Polonius and Orphelia were excellent and Polonius particularly so but Hamlet himself I found rather disappointing. His silly teeneager or moody adolescent did not really pull it off.

Monday, 4 July 2011


I saw this film on 4 July at Stratford Picture House

A very well put together and amusing if silly romp.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Emperor and Galilean

I saw this performance on 1st July at the National Theatre Olivier.

The set was superb and rather more elaborate than often the case, with fire, smoke, different physical levels moving around and many projected background images. The play itself was full of action, lots of acts and action in every one. A thoroughly enjoyable performance.